Joseph Michael Squillaro
Deputy Blog Editor, Blog Contributor
A native of Long Island, New York, Joseph is currently majoring in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) with a concentration in cyber policy and Internet Law and minoring in Classical Studies and Urban Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to Penn, he took a gap year after attending his high school of Choate Rosemary Hall to pursue a year-long staff assistant position with the U.S. House of Representatives and an internship with the New York State Senate, providing him with an intricate look into how our laws are made. Besides being a devoted Deputy Blog Editor in the Penn Undergraduate Law Journal, Joseph is the 539th Moderator (President) of The Philomathean Society, Debate Director of the Penn Speech and Debate organization, Co-President of the Collegium Institute and a Research Peer Advisor for the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF). Outside of Penn, he is a long-distance runner, competitive cyclist, an avid typewriter enthusiast and an iOS/Android app developer. Joseph is extremely grateful to be a part of the Penn Undergraduate Law Journal and looks forward to continuing his journey of exploring Penn’s motto of “Leges sine moribus vanae (laws without morals are useless).”